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RE: А там что-то не так написано? (+)

Автор: VodkaShot
Дата: 24.01.18, @16:31

  ' Опять спорт-экспресс ))
' Первоисточник почитай.
' Читаю. По твоей ссылке на МОК.
' ---
' As of today, the original pre-registration pool of 500 athletes has already been reduced by 111 by the Panel. For others in the remaining pool of athletes, pre-conditions such as further pre-Games tests and reanalysis from stored samples have been required. Only if these requirements are met can the athletes be considered for invitation. No athlete who has been sanctioned by the Oswald Commission is still in the pool.
' Список с 500 на 111 уменьшили? - Да.
Список чего? Это не допущенные атлеты, а только заявки на допуск.

' Остальным доп требования выставили? - Да.
Как и намеревались первоначально.
' И?
Т.е. твои слова не верны.

The suspended Russian Olympic Committee, with which a working relationship needed to be established for the implementation of the IOC sanctions, can now start proposing which of the clean athletes can fill the earned quota places by sport, discipline and event. Therefore, only a limited number of athletes can be chosen from the current pool. As the qualification process is still ongoing and more preconditions have to be met by some of the athletes, it is still not possible to project how many athletes will participate in PyeongChang in the OAR group.

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